
“I wanted to get her out of my own world back into her own.I thought I was taking her back to her own place.”

“How came she to be in your world,Son of Adam ?”

“By-by Magic.”

The Lion said nothing and Digory knew that he had not told enough.

“It was my Uncle,Aslan,”he said.“He sent us out of our own world by magic rings,at least I had to go because he sent Polly first,and then we met the Witch in a place called Charn and she just held on to us when-”

“You met the Witch ? ”said Asian in a low voice which had the threat of a growl in it.

“She woke up,”said Digory wretchedly.And then,turning very white,“I mean,I woke her.Because I wanted to know what would happen if I struck a bell.Polly didn’t want to.It wasn’t her fault.I-I fought her.I know I shouldn’t have.I think I was a bit enchanted by the writing under the bell.”

“Do you ?”asked Asian;still speaking very low and deep.

“No,”said Digory.“I see now I wasn’t. I was only pretending.”

There was a long pause.And Digory was thinking all the time,“I’ve spoiled everything.There’s no chance of getting anything for Mother now.”

When the Lion spoke again,it was not to Digory.

“You see,friends,”he said,“that before the new,clean world I gave you is seven hours old,a force of evil has already entered it;waked and brought hither by this son of Adam.”The Beasts,even Strawberry,all turned their eyes on Digory till he felt that he wished the ground would swallow him up.“But do not be cast down,”said Aslan,still speaking to the Beasts.“Evil will come of that evil,but it is still a long way off,and I will see to it that the worst falls upon myself.In the meantime,let us take such order that for many hundred years yet this shall be a merry land in a merry world.And as Adam’s race has done the harm,Adam’s race shall help to heal it.Draw near,you other two.”

The last words were spoken to Polly and the Cabby who had now arrived.Polly,all eyes and mouth,was staring at Aslan and holding the Cabby’s hand rather tightly.The Cabby gave one glance at the Lion,and took off his bowler hat:no one had yet seen him without it.When it was off,he looked younger and nicer,and more like a countryman and less like a London cabman.

“Son,”said Aslan to the Cabby.“I have known you long.Do you know me ?”

“Well,no,sir,”said the Cabby.“Leastways,not in an ordinary manner of speaking.Yet I feel somehow,if I may make so free,as, ow we’ve met before.”

“It is well,”said the Lion.“You know better than you think you know,and you shall live to know me better yet.How does this land please you ?”

“It’s a fair treat,sir,”said the Cabby.

“Would you like to live here always ?”

“Well you see sir,I’m a married man,”said the Cabby. “If my wife was here neither of us would ever want to go back to London,I reckon.We’re both country folks really.”

Aslan threw up his shaggy head,opened his mouth,and uttered a long,single note;not very loud,but full of power. Polly’s heart jumped in her body when she heard it.She felt sure that it was a call,and that anyone who heard that call would want to obey it and(what’s more)would be able to obey it,however many worlds and ages lay between.And so,though she was filled with wonder,she was not really astonished or shocked when all of a sudden a young woman,with a kind,honest face stepped out of nowhere and stood beside her.Polly knew at once that it was the Cabby’s wife,fetched out of our world not by any tiresome magic rings,but quickly,simply and sweetly as a bird flies to its nest. The young woman had apparently been in the middle of a washing day,for she wore an apron,her sleeves were rolled up to the elbow,and there were soapsuds on her hands.If she had had time to put on her good clothes(her best hat had imitation cherries on it) she would have looked dreadful;as it was,she looked rather nice.

Of course she thought she was dreaming.That was why she didn’t rush across to her husband and ask him what on earth had happened to them both.But when she looked at the Lion she didn’t feel quite so sure it was a dream,yet for some reason she did not appear to be very frightened.Then she dropped a little half curtsey, as some country girls still knew how to do in those days.After that, she went and put her hand in the Cabby’s and stood there looking round her a little shyly.

“My children,”said Aslan,fixing his eyes on both of them, “you are to be the first King and Queen of Narnia.”

The Cabby opened his mouth in astonishment,and his wife turned very red.

“You shall rule and name all these creatures,and do justice among them,and protect them from their enemies when enemies arise. And enemies will arise,for there is an evil Witch in this world.”

The Cabby swallowed hard two or three times and cleared his throat.

“Begging your pardon,sir,”he said,“and thanking you very much I’m sure(which my Missus does the same)but I ain’t no sort of a chap for a job like that.I never, ad much eddycation,you see.”

“Well,”said Aslan,“can you use a spade and a plough and raise food out of the earth ?”

“Yes,sir,I could do a bit of that sort of work:being brought up to it,like.”

“Can you rule these creatures kindly and fairly,remembering that they are not slaves like the dumb beasts of the world you were born in,but Talking Beasts and free subjects ?”

“I see that,sir,”replied the Cabby.“I’d try to do the square thing by them all.”

“And would you bring up your children and grandchildren to do the same ?”

“It’d be up to me to try,sir.I’d do my best:wouldn’t we,Nellie ?”

“And you wouldn’t have favourites either among your own children or among the other creatures or let any hold another under or use it hardly ?”

“I never could abide such goings on,sir,and that’s the truth.I’d give ’em what for if I caught ’em at it,”said the Cabby.(All through this conversation his voice was growing slower and richer.More like the country voice he must have had as a boy and less like the sharp,quick voice of a cockney.)

“And if enemies came against the land(for enemies will arise)and there was war,would you be the first in the charge and the last in the retreat ?”

“Well,sir,”said the Cabby very slowly,“a chap don’t exactly know till he’s been tried.I dare say I might turn out ever such a soft ’un.Never did no fighting except with my fists.I’d try-that is,I ’ope I’d try-to do my bit.”

“Then,”said Aslan,“You will have done all that a King should do.Your coronation will be held presently.And you and your children and grandchildren shall be blessed,and some will be Kings of Narnia,and others will be Kings of Archenland which lies yonder over the Southern Mountains.And you,little Daughter ” (here he turned to Polly)“are welcome.Have you forgiven the Boy for the violence he did you in the Hall of Images in the desolate palace of accursed Charn ?”

“Yes,Aslan,we’ve made it up,”said Polly.

“That is well,”said Aslan.“And now for the Boy himself.”

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(升级流+小人物崛起+周围都是天才流,主角在天才中脱颖而出) 异族入侵,武道昌盛,世人以武为尊。 穿越十多年的易川终于在高考前两个月解锁外挂。 可就在此时,定下娃娃亲的王乐云却选择上门退婚。 “他连武道大学都考不上,以我的资质怎么可能会嫁给一个入阶武者都不是的人。” 面对王乐云的咄咄逼人,易川坦然接受,只是冷冷地回了一句。 “我易川的目标可不仅仅是成为入阶武者,还有...你王家不会永远是这个王家
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文案: 营销号爆料:「某女团顶流L姓艺人,早已结婚多年,老公是圈外大佬。」 [LS,不可能] [这也太容易解码了吧] [无图无真相,就这让我信?] 不久,营销号爆出了二人相拥照,相片里,半显出男人完美侧颜。 舆论鼎沸里,圈外那位斐氏太子爷直接转了此微博:嗯,是我。 微博崩塌,黑粉四蹿,大批过期糖蜂拥而至,某位营销大V放出林姝往期采访剪辑,并配文:家人们,给我死命磕! ——我觉得大学读军校的人好厉
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纪风华身为集团唯一继承人,一朝被害身亡,再度睁眼不但成了农户之女,父死母娇弱,更是被所谓家人用五两银子卖给厉家当后娘 想她纪氏集团独女,受万千宠爱,天赋过人。 纵是到了眼前困境也难不倒她,亲人想要霸占田产,门都没有 教养子女,路路生财,便是昏迷不醒的丈夫,也能将他治好 只是醒过来的男人不但半点不弱,反倒是个天生武将,谋略过人,却愿意在她面前当个憨夫 她本不想理会他,可谁能料到她的男人一路冲峰陷阵
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附:【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有!成精,贪乐,作者:楚月[正文 序] 楚月 精——这个题材,楚月一直很想尝试。 因为喜欢李商隐的“锦瑟”。 题材是比较活泼逗趣,所以就用绿色来当底色。 就是让大脑呈现一片绿油油的景象,也会想在书里营造出绿色的感觉。 锦瑟就是绿色的代表,她活泼好动、对人世的一
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