
None of the party except Edmund (and perhaps Trumpkin) was a rock climber.

“I’m sorry,”said Peter.“It’s my fault for coming this way.We’re lost.I’ve never seen this place in my life before.”

The Dwarf gave a low whistle between his teeth.

“Oh,do let’s go back and go the other way,”said Susan.“I knew all along we’d get lost in these woods.”

“Susan!”said Lucy,reproachfully,“don’t nag at Peter like that.It’s so rotten,and he’s doing all he can.”

“And don’t you snap at Su like that,either,”said Edmund.“I think she’s quite right.”

“Tubs and tortoiseshells!”exclaimed Trumpkin.“If we’ve got lost coming,what chance have we of finding our way back? And if we’re to go back to the Island and begin all over again-even supposing we could-we might as well give the whole thing up.Miraz will have finished with Caspian before we get there at that rate.”

“You think we ought to go on?”said Lucy.

“I’m not sure the High King is lost,”said Trumpkin.“What’s to hinder this river being the Rush?”

“Because the Rush is not in a gorge,”said Peter,keeping his temper with some difficulty.

“Your Majesty says is,”replied the Dwarf,“but oughtn’t you to say was? You knew this country hundreds-it may be a thousand-years ago.Mayn’t it have changed? A landslide might have pulled off half the side of that hill,leaving bare rock,and there are your precipices beyond the gorge.Then the Rush might go on deepening its course year after year till you get the little precipices this side.Or there might have been an earthquake,or anything.”

“I never thought of that,”said Peter.

“And anyway,”continued Trumpkin,“even if this is not the Rush,it’s flowing roughly north and so it must fall into the Great River anyway.I think I passed something that might have been it,on my way down.So if we go downstream,to our right,we’ll hit the Great River.Perhaps not so high as we’d hoped,but at least we’ll be no worse off than if you’d come my way.”

“Trumpkin,you’re a brick,”said Peter.“Come on,then.Down this side of the gorge.”

“Look! Look! Look!”cried Lucy.

“Where? What?”said everyone.

“The Lion,”said Lucy.“Aslan himself.Didn’t you see?”Her face had changed completely and her eyes shone.

“Do you really mean—?”began Peter.

“Where did you think you saw him?”asked Susan.

“Don’t talk like a grown-up,”said Lucy,stamping her foot.“I didn’t think I saw him.I saw him.”

“Where,Lu?”asked Peter.

“Right up there between those mountain ashes.No,this side of the gorge.And up,not down.Just the opposite of the way you want to go.And he wanted us to go where he was—up there.”

“How do you know that was what he wanted?”asked Edmund.

“He—I—I just know,”said Lucy,“by his face.”

The others all looked at each other in puzzled silence.

“Her Majesty may well have seen a lion, ”put in Trumpkin.“There are lions in these woods,I’ve been told.But it needn’t have been a friendly and talking lion any more than the bear was a friendly and talking bear.”

“Oh,don’t be so stupid,”said Lucy.“Do you think I don’t know Aslan when I see him?”

“He’d be a pretty elderly lion by now,”said Trumpkin,“if he’s one you knew when you were here before! And if it could be the same one,what’s to prevent him having gone wild and witless like so many others?”

Lucy turned crimson and I think she would have flown at Trumpkin,if Peter had not laid his hand on her arm.“The D.L.

F.doesn’t understand.How could he? You must just take it,Trumpkin,that we do really know about Aslan; a little bit about him,I mean.And you mustn’t talk about him like that again.It isn’t lucky for one thing: and it’s all nonsense for another.The only question is whether Aslan was really there.”

“But I know he was,”said Lucy,her eyes filling with tears.

“Yes,Lu,but we don’t,you see,”said Peter.

“There’s nothing for it but a vote,”said Edmund.

“All right,”replied Peter.“You’re the eldest,D.L.F.What do you vote for? Up or down?”

“Down,”said the Dwarf.“I know nothing about Aslan.But I do know that if we turn left and follow the gorge up,it might lead us all day before we found a place where we could cross it.Whereas if we turn right and go down,we’re bound to reach the Great River in about a couple of hours.And if there are any real lions about,we want to go away from them,not towards them.”

“What do you say,Susan?”

“Don’t be angry,Lu,”said Susan,“but I do think we should go down.I’m dead tired.Do let’s get out of this wretched wood into the open as quick as we can.And none of us except you saw anything.”

“Edmund?”said Peter.

“Well,there’s just this,”said Edmund,speaking quickly and turning a little red.“When we first discovered Narnia a year ago-or a thousand years ago,whichever it is—it was Lucy who discovered it first and none of us would believe her.I was the worst of the lot,I know.Yet she was right after all.Wouldn’t it be fair to believe her this time? I vote for going up.”

“Oh,Ed!”said Lucy and seized his hand.

“And now it’s your turn,Peter,”said Susan,“and I do hope—”

“Oh,shut up,shut up and let a chap think,”interrupted Peter.“I’d much rather not have to vote.”

“You’re the High King,”said Trumpkin sternly.

“Down,”said Peter after a long pause.“I know Lucy may be right after all,but I can’t help it.We must do one or the other.”

So they set off to their right along the edge,downstream.And Lucy came last of the party,crying bitterly.

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