
WHILE the two boys were whispering behind,both the girls suddenly cried“Oh !”and stopped.

“The robin !”cried Lucy,“the robin.It’s flown away.”And so it had-right out of sight.

“And now what are we to do ?”said Edmund,giving Peter a look which was as much as to say“What did I tell you ?”

“Sh ! Look !”said Susan.

“What ?”said Peter.

“There’s something moving among the trees over there to the left.”

They all stared as hard as they could,and no one felt very comfortable.

“There it goes again,”said Susan presently.

“I saw it that time too,”said Peter.“It’s still there.It’s just gone behind that big tree.”

“What is it ?”asked Lucy,trying very hard not to sound nervous.

“Whatever it is,”said Peter,“it’s dodging us.It’s something

that doesn’t want to be seen.”

“Let’s go home,”said Susan.And then,though nobody said it out loud,everyone suddenly realized the same fact that Edmund had whispered to Peter at the end of the last chapter.They were lost.

“What’s it like ?”said Lucy.

“It’s-it’s a kind of animal,”said Susan;and then,“Look ! Look ! Quick ! There it is.”

They all saw it this time,a whiskered furry face which had looked out at them from behind a tree.But this time it didn’t immediately draw back.Instead,the animal put its paw against its mouth just as humans put their finger on their lips when they are signalling to you to be quiet.Then it disappeared again.The children,all stood holding their breath.

A moment later the stranger came out from behind the tree, glanced all round as if it were afraid someone was watching, said“Hush”,made signs to them to join it in the thicker bit of wood where it was standing,and then once more disappeared.

“I know what it is,”said Peter;“it’s a beaver.I saw the tail.”

“It wants us to go to it,”said Susan,“and it is warning us not to make a noise.”

“I know,”said Peter.“The question is,are we to go to it or not ? What do you think,Lu ?”

“I think it’s a nice beaver,”said Lucy.

“Yes,but how do we know ?”said Edmund.

“Shan’t we have to risk it ?”said Susan.“I mean,it’s no good

just standing here and I feel I want some dinner.”

At this moment the Beaver again popped its head out from behind the tree and beckoned earnestly to them.

“Come on,”said Peter,“let’s give it a try.All keep close together.We ought to be a match for one beaver if it turns out to be an enemy.”

So the children all got close together and walked up to the tree and in behind it,and there,sure enough,they found the Beaver;but it still drew back,saying to them in a hoarse throaty whisper,“Further in,come further in.Right in here.We’re not safe in the open !”Only when it had led them into a dark spot where four trees grew so close together that their boughs met and the brown earth and pine needles could be seen underfoot because no snow had been able to fall there,did it begin to talk to them.

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紫昱皇帝用斧头五击劈开山劈山,统一天下众人。他将土地划分为5个区域,从而建立了九个大锅,最终被称为9个县。紫玉皇帝去世后,纷争不断。一千年后,一位千载难逢的天才,秦山天帝诞生了。能够劈开百米河,凭借着绝世武功,他终于统一了天下的土地。然而,当秦山天帝死后,混乱再次笼罩了这片土地。又过了一千年,没有人能够巩固国家。n... 《一座大山》
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人人都爱自由,懂得捍卫的人,才能拥有自由。 奥斯卡获奖影片《逃离德黑兰》的前传!书中的每一个细节都曾真实发生在世界上那个极度混乱的角落。 1978年冬,在伊朗工作的一万两千名美国人,突然深陷暴乱的漩涡中心。EDS公
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重要通知,本文无CP!至少没有感情线的CP,小天使们注意避雷哦! 这是一间神秘的小店,跨越三千年的时光,长盛不衰。 这是一间尊贵的小店,只有真正的超凡存在,才能有资格扣开大门。 这是一间奢侈的小店,哪怕国王与富豪
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附:【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有!《百万富翁的最后一个女朋友》作者:苏鎏【内容简介】想成为百万富翁的最后一个女朋友吗? 为了千亿英俊小开,女人们都疯了。 耍心机,拼手段,无所不做。 秀美貌,显身材,不择手段。 更有甚者,一脚踢开男朋友,只为投入帅哥的怀抱。 一场声势浩大的相亲大会,正式拉开帷幕
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