
“She’d like us to believe it,”said Mr. Beaver,“and it’s on that that she bases her claim to be Queen.But she’s no Daughter of Eve.She comes of your father Adam’s”-(here Mr. Beaver bowed)“your father Adam’s first wife,her they called Lilith. And she was one of the Jinn.That’s what she comes from on one side.And on the other she comes of the giants.No,no,there isn’t a drop of real human blood in the Witch.”

“That’s why she’s bad all through,Mr. Beaver,”said Mrs. Beaver.

“True enough,Mrs. Beaver,”replied he,“there may be two views about humans(meaning no offence to the present company).But there’s no two views about things that look like humans and aren’t.”

“I’ve known good Dwarfs,”said Mrs. Beaver.

“So’ve I,now you come to speak of it,”said her husband, “but precious few,and they were the ones least like men.But in general,take my advice,when you meet anything that’s going to be human and isn’t yet,or used to be human once and isn’t now, or ought to be human and isn’t,you keep your eyes on it and feel for your hatchet.And that’s why the Witch is always on the lookout for any humans in Narnia.She’s been watching for you this many a year,and if she knew there were four of you she’d be more dangerous still.”

“What’s that to do with it ?”asked Peter.

“Because of another prophecy,”said Mr. Beaver.“Down at Cair Paravel-that’s the castle on the sea coast down at the mouth of this river which ought to be the capital of the whole country if all was as it should be-down at Cair Paravel there are four thrones and it’s a saying in Narnia time out of mind that when two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve sit in those four thrones,then it will be the end not only of the White Witch’s reign but of her life, and that is why we had to be so cautious as we came along,for if she knew about you four,your lives wouldn’t be worth a shake of my whiskers !”

All the children had been attending so hard to what Mr. Beaver was telling them that they had noticed nothing else for a long time. Then during the moment of silence that followed his last remark, Lucy suddenly said:

“I say-where’s Edmund ?”

There was a dreadful pause,and then everyone began asking“Who saw him last ? How long has he been missing ? Is he outside ? and then all rushed to the door and looked out.The snow was falling thickly and steadily,the green ice of the pool had vanished under a thick white blanket,and from where the little house stood in the centre of the dam you could hardly see either bank.Out they went,plunging well over their ankles into the soft new snow,and went round the house in every direction.“Edmund! Edmund ! ”they called till they were hoarse.But the silently falling snow seemed to muffle their voices and there was not even an echo in answer.

“How perfectly dreadful !”said Susan as they at last came back in despair.“Oh,how I wish we’d never come.”

“What on earth are we to do,Mr. Beaver ?”said Peter.

“Do ?”said Mr. Beaver,who was already putting on his snow-boots,“do ? We must be off at once.We haven’t a moment to spare !”

“We’d better divide into four search parties,”said Peter,“and all go in different directions.Whoever finds him must come back here at once and-”

“Search parties,Son of Adam ?”said Mr. Beaver;“what for ?”

“Why,to look for Edmund,of course !”

“There’s no point in looking for him,”said Mr. Beaver.

“What do you mean ?”said Susan.“He can’t be far away yet. And we’ve got to find him.What do you mean when you say there’s no use looking for him ?”

“The reason there’s no use looking,”said Mr. Beaver, “is that we know already where he’s gone !”Everyone stared in amazement. “Don’t you understand ?”said Mr. Beaver.“He’s gone to her,to the White Witch.He has betrayed us all.”

“Oh,surely-oh,really !”said Susan,“he can’t have done that.”

“Can’t he ?”said Mr. Beaver,looking very hard at the three children,and everything they wanted to say died on their lips, for each felt suddenly quite certain inside that this was exactly what Edmund had done.

“But will he know the way ?”said Peter.

“Has he been in this country before ?”asked Mr. Beaver.“Has he ever been here alone ?”

“Yes,”said Lucy,almost in a whisper.“I’m afraid he has.”

“And did he tell you what he’d done or who he’d met ?”

“Well,no,he didn’t,”said Lucy.

“Then mark my words,”said Mr. Beaver,“he has already met the White Witch and joined her side,and been told where she lives. I didn’t like to mention it before(he being your brother and all) but the moment I set eyes on that brother of yours I said to myself Treacherous.He had the look of one who has been with the Witch and eaten her food.You can always tell them if you’ve lived long in Narnia;something about their eyes.”

“All the same,”said Peter in a rather choking sort of voice, “we’ll still have to go and look for him.He is our brother after all,even if he is rather a little beast.And he’s only a kid.”

“Go to the Witch’s House ?”said Mrs. Beaver.“Don’t you see that the only chance of saving either him or yourselves is to keep away from her ?”

“How do you mean ?”said Lucy.

“Why,all she wants is to get all four of you(she’s thinking all the time of those four thrones at Cair Paravel).Once you were all four inside her House her job would be done-and there’d be four new statues in her collection before you’d had time to speak. But she’ll keep him alive as long as he’s the only one she’s got, because she’ll want to use him as a decoy;as bait to catch the rest of you with.”

“Oh,can no one help us ?”wailed Lucy.

“Only Aslan,”said Mr. Beaver,“we must go on and meet him. That’s our only chance now.”

“It seems to me,my dears,”said Mrs. Beaver,“that it is very important to know just when he slipped away.How much he can tell her depends on how much he heard.For instance,had we started talking of Aslan before he left ? If not,then we may do very well,for she won’t know that Aslan has come to Narnia,or that we are meeting him,and will be quite off her guard as far as that is concerned.”

“I don’t remember his being here when we were talking about Aslan-”began Peter,but Lucy interrupted him.

“Oh yes,he was,”she said miserably;“don’t you remember, it was he who asked whether the Witch couldn’t turn Aslan into stone too ?”

“So he did,by Jove,”said Peter;“just the sort of thing he would say,too !”

“Worse and worse,”said Mr. Beaver,“and the next thing is this. Was he still here when I told you that the place for meeting Aslan was the Stone Table ?”

And of course no one knew the answer to this question.

“Because,if he was,”continued Mr. Beaver,“then she’ll simply sledge down in that direction and get between us and the Stone Table and catch us on our way down.In fact we shall be cut off from Aslan.”

“But that isn’t what she’ll do first,”said Mrs. Beaver,“not if I know her.The moment that Edmund tells her that we’re all here she’ll set out to catch us this very night,and if he’s been gone about half an hour,she’ll be here in about another twenty minutes.”

“You’re right,Mrs. Beaver,”said her husband,“we must all get away from here.There’s not a moment to lose.”

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【提醒:杀伐过重,谨慎观看】 秦宇穿越古代乱世,内有九大帝国争锋:大秦,大明,大唐,赵国…… 外有八荒蛮夷叩关:匈奴,突厥,瓦剌……惶惶乱世,人命如草芥! 觉醒杀神系统,杀一人是罪,屠万人为王! 秦宇先斩逆贼,血战边关越杀越强,八荒蛮夷俯首求降! 九国争锋,秦国落于下风。 存亡之际一面黑色战旗自远方而来,秦国杀神,率兵勤王! 八荒蛮夷:“那杀神终于走了,再不走我们就死完了!” 伐秦联军:“我们上
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叶令蔚穿成书里一个有心脏病的炮灰,因为从小身娇体弱,自卑敏感,即使小心谨慎,也还是个万人厌 他大哥吃住都在公司,除了让助理按时打钱以外连句多余的话都不跟他说 他二哥沉迷于赛车,更加懒得管叶令蔚死活 班主任嫌
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【穿越】+【诡异复苏】+【觉醒】+【修仙】+【系统】+【非无敌爽文】 【主线任务:完成小说...,完结不少于100万字,现实偏离度不超过100】 【偏离度:小说与现实的偏离程度】 【叮!今日任务已完成,主线任务进度1%,奖励驱邪符*10】 路明刚写完一本诡异复苏的小说,却因为写的不好,被迫穿越到小说世界,经历真实的灵异事件。 在小说世界,从诡异复苏开始,人类觉醒,到人间与地府相通,再到灵气复苏,
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